each week over at scrapmatters.com they host a template challenge. i've been meaning to participate for awhile and finally got around to it this week! the guidelines were: 1) use the template provided (duh!) 2) use a kit you've never used before and 3) YOU have to be in both pictures. i had a lot of fun with it!

these pictures are from thanksgiving two years ago. at the time, i was living in richmond for training before i moved to mexico, but a bunch of my friends from training and i went up to stafford (where i was from) for the day. these friends are truly precious to me in a way that i can't even really explain. we experienced so much together in such a short time. and now? we're scattered across 8 different countries! i can't wait to see some of them in December for our debriefing conference when we all arrive back in the US!
Everything from "Moments" kit by Summer Driggs (available on her blog for free!) except: flowers (from the Weeds and Wildflowers freebie kit "In Bloom") and Alpha ("Wrinkled Alpha," also from Weeds and Wildflowers). The font is "Pea Missy," available at: http://www.kevinandamanda.com/scrapbook/fonts/
Some of this stuff I've had for awhile and just not gotten around to using (these are colors I don't use often). I was excited to have a reason to HAVE to pull them out. I guess that's why they call it a "challenge!"